The games below will only work in 256 colour mode if
run on the Spec256 v1.2 emulator, located on the emulators
page. Although there are not many games currently available,
more will be added when they become available.
Please note, some of the games below are in Spanish,
and are also not particularly good (!), but they do
show off the power of the Spec256 emulator.
If you are interested in converting your favourite
game (Head Over Heels someone - please!) then get
in contact or visit the Emulatronia
site for details of how to go about it.

Simbel Profanation, Dinamic (82.4K)
Never heard of this before, and not sure what to do
- a Spanish game from the Emulatronia
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Army Moves, Dinamic
Never used to be much good at this - a bit repetitive
as well. Still, looking very good in 256 colours.
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Army Moves 2,
Dinamic (69.4K)
Not much different from the first installment...
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Cybernoid, Hewson
Now featuring nice backgrounds and more colourful
explosions, Cybernoid is even more playable.
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Game Over, Dinamic
Platform shoot-em-up. Map available in the Maps
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Game Over 2, Dinamic
As above, but with better graphics.
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Jet Pac, Ultimate
A classic early game. See the Retro
section for Stuart Collier's PC update.
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Knightlore, Ultimate
An excellent game in mono, now looking superb as well.
Bring on Head over Heels 256!!
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Phantis, Dinamic
Sideways blaster. Not as good as R-Type, but looking
very colourful.
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Sabrewulf, Ultimate
One of the few classic games that I didn't actually
play when I was younger. Still, many believe one of
the works of pure genius from Ultimate, and who am I
to disagree?
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Solomon's Key, Probe
I used to really enjoy this platform/puzzle game, and
it gets really difficult on the later levels. Still,
I don't think it benefits from the added coulour as
much as some.
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Underwurlde, Ultimate
As with Sabrewulf, another game I didn't really play
when I was younger, but again one which many people
believe is an all time classic.
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